I need some help with a query. I've the following tables structure:
# select triggerid,_expression_,status from triggers
19298 | {23033}=0 | 0
17041 | {20211}#0 | {20210} | 1
18875 | {22975}<8 & {22976}>50 | 0
17041 | {20211}#0 | {20210} | 1
18875 | {22975}<8 & {22976}>50 | 0
Numbers in "{}" are itemid's:
# select itemid,status from items;
itemid | status
24324 | 1
34842 | 0
36078 | 1
# select itemid,status from items;
itemid | status
24324 | 1
34842 | 0
36078 | 1
I need to find all active (status=0) items not belonging to any active trigger. The best I could come up with is this:
select count(itemid) from items where status='0' and itemid not in (select cast(regexp_matches(_expression_,'{([^}]+)}','g') as integer) from triggers where status='0');
select count(itemid) from items where status='0' and itemid not in (select cast(regexp_matches(_expression_,'{([^}]+)}','g') as integer) from triggers where status='0');
However, the cast doesn't work:
ERROR: cannot cast type text[] to integer
ERROR: cannot cast type text[] to integer
Or maybe I'm not using it right.
Anyone could provide an insight?
This is on postgresql 9.2.