On 01/27/2014 07:19 AM, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
On 27/01/2014 15:16, Edson Richter wrote:
Em 27/01/2014 10:42, Andreas Kretschmer escreveu:
Raymond O'Donnell <rod@xxxxxx> wrote:
On 27/01/2014 12:11, Manoj Soni wrote:
Name, Age and Sex
Which tutorial, may help me in this regard.
I did a Google search on "tomcat netbeans postgresql tutorial" and
turned up some likely-looking links.... should work for you too. :-)
Right, and as a hint: dont store the AGE of a person, store the
birthdate instead.
Another hint: don't store "sex" (do/don't do?), but "gender" (even
better if tristate: male/female/not informed or "other").
I already had lots of trouble with customers asking me to adjust my
systems to this new "situation", then I've to change systems and
+1 to this... there was a lengthy thread on this list some years ago on
this very subject, and it was an eye-opener to see the possibilities
that emerged.
Actually, to be pedantic, use whichever is appropriate to your use-case.
If you are looking at biological/physiological attributes (chromosomes,
hormones, testicular-cancer, ...), use "sex."
If you are tracking social attributes or characteristics (preferred
dress-style, sexual-preference, income, prevalence in various
professional roles, etc.), use "gender."
See http://www.who.int/gender/whatisgender/en/
Either way, an expandable lookup-table may end up being useful. Just
when you think you are strictly dealing with "sex" and you hard-code for
"male" and "female", someone will show up and ask you to rewrite your
code to account for chimeras
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