Hello all We have a postgres server on Windows 2008 R2 used by tree services. This worked quite for a long time (several years) but lately the Postgres service regularly crashes
2013-12-11 14:03:10 CET LOG: Serverprozess (PID 3576) wurde durch Ausnahme 0xC0000043 beendet (sorry German) I researched and found that this exception is related to:
I also found a Microsoft fix (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2707576/en-us) related to this error, but the fix does not apply to our system. I defragmented
the drive were the Postgres data resides. But still the service crashes all several days.
Any idea how I could fix this or how I could find out, why the service is crashing? It does not seem to be related to the application using the Postgres DBs, because there seem to be no requests to Postgres exactly at
the time it crashes. Any help would be appreciated. For the moment an upgrade to Postgres 9 is not possibly, because the applications using Postgres DBs are quite vital.
Regards Philipp _____________________________________________________________ ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ICT, Server & Systeme Philipp Hungerbühler Gertrudstrasse 15 CH-8401 Winterthur Tel: +41 58 934 69 44 E-Mail:
philipp.hungerbuehler@xxxxxxx _____________________________________________________________ |