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Re: invisible dependencies on a table?

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On 12/14/2013 09:00 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Tim Uckun <timuckun@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
BTW is there a way to get a list of dependencies for a object? I was some
scripts when I was googling but none of them seem to work with later
versions of postgres.
Don't know why that would be; the pg_depend data structure hasn't really
changed since it was invented (in 7.3, if memory serves).  If anything,
it's gotten easier to work with, as a result of invention of helper
functions such as pg_describe_object().

for some documentation about what the deptype means.
So if I am following, in the OPs case when he did the ALTER TABLE RENAME 
he transferred ownership of the sequence to the renamed table. Then when 
he did CREATE TABLE LIKE (renamed table)  he set up a dependency from 
the newly created table to the renamed table because the sequence is 
actually owned by the renamed table.
			regards, tom lane

Adrian Klaver

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