On Wed, 27 Nov 2013 11:06:51 -0500, bricklen <bricklen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Has the client ANALYZEd recently? What happens if the client issues > the following commands before executing the query? > VACUUM ANALYZE lp.sigs; > VACUUM ANALYZE lp.mags; > > If that doesn't change the plan, could you post the values for > effective_cache_size, shared_buffers, random_page_cost, > cpu_tuple_cost, work_mem and how much RAM is in the client machine? Yes, I did have them do a vacuum analyze with no result. Here's their reply on configuration: It is 24 Gig. effective_cache_size - 12000MB shared_buffers - 1024MB random_page_cost - is commented out cpu_tuple_cost - commented out work_mem - commented out I assume you guys already know the default values for those last 3 on a 9.0.x server...
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