So, no cancel... keeping my fingers crossed (rolling up on 170,000,000 ms - a bit over 47 hours - data folder size now at 1.11 TB).
Fortunately, I'm pretty sure this will be my largest batch update (since the info is static, and available all at once, I was able to generate the complete script. In most cases, I will be retrieving data and that takes a bit longer).
When I end up having to rebuild the entire thing on a separate system, can I divide the script up and launch it piecemeal in differ PGAdmin query windows for the parallel action? Or is there a particular command I have to give it?
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Using pgscript will make you loose some time, but it won't be much if each querry is long enough (some seconds at least).At least on my computer (I don't know if you can generalize this), it is way faster to split into many transaction, so you would gain time.Unless it finishes I don't know of a way to keep changes.Sorry,(it is actually what makes DB so powerfull).
if you cancel everything will be rolled back
If you intend to do it often, you may want to consider mutliple parallel psql.Cheers,
Rémi-C2013/11/27 Joey Quinn <bjquinniii@xxxxxxxxx>Wow, thank-you (sometimes the answer is right there in front of you... very new to Postgres, had wondered what the difference was between the run query and run as PGS script, but hadn't looked into it yet).So, here's the critical question(s) right now (for me)...With the way I launched it, using the "Execute query" button, if I now hit the "Cancel query" button, what happens? Have the last two days of updates already been committed? Or will they get rolled back? I would love to switch to the other method, so that I can gauge progress, but would hate to lose two days worth of run time...If I do run the same script (a bit over 100k lines) in PGS mode, will that affect the speed? If so, how much? 1%? 5%? More?On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 3:20 AM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:It is of course also very hard to translate ...First serious answer :you don't have to use command line,you can use the pgadmin gui, loading your file with all the command, and then hit F6 (or select run as pgscript).
This will wrapp each command in a transaction , and will print messages all along.Please test this on a few line before trying on everything.Second :There is a very famous one like this in french, in private letters by George Sand, a famous writter.
lol for the secret message.
The text is very high level and nice french, but if you read one line then skip the next ..,
the message is very dirty !
Cher ami,
Je suis toute émue de vous dire que j'ai
bien compris l'autre jour que vous aviez
toujours une envie folle de me faire
danser. Je garde le souvenir de votre
baiser et je voudrais bien que ce soit
une preuve que je puisse être aimée
par vous. Je suis prête à montrer mon
affection toute désintéressée et sans cal-
cul, et si vous voulez me voir ainsi
vous dévoiler, sans artifice, mon âme
toute nue, daignez me faire visite,
nous causerons et en amis franchement
je vous prouverai que je suis la femme
sincère, capable de vous offrir l'affection
la plus profonde, comme la plus étroite
amitié, en un mot : la meilleure épouse
dont vous puissiez rêver. Puisque votre>
âme est libre, pensez que l'abandon ou je
vis est bien long, bien dur et souvent bien>
insupportable. Mon chagrin est trop
gros. Accourrez bien vite et venez me le
faire oublier. À vous je veux me sou-
mettre entièrement.
Votre poupée2013/11/26 Merlin Moncure <mmoncure@xxxxxxxxx>On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Raymond O'Donnell <rod@xxxxxx> wrote:Well, bad spelling on my part. To get the joke, you have to be A.
> On 26/11/2013 20:30, Merlin Moncure wrote:
>> There are not many ways to Hand off information outside of the
>> database while a transaction Is running. one way Is to write a Simple
>> trigger in plpgsql that 'raise'es A notice every 'n' times trigger
>> condition fires. that'S Essentially the only Clean way to do it in
>> such a way that the information is Returned to the Executing console.
>> Thanks!
> Totally unrelated to the thread.... I noticed that the capitalised
> letters in the email above spell out this:
> .. which (almost) spells "This is a secret". Was this intentional, or am
> I just working too hard? :-)
observant, B. be using a gmail account, and C. be a comic book geek
that grew up in the 80's.
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