The ranges are indeed overlapping, though the update statements were generated alphabetically rather than in IP order... If the command line will let me query the table directly without being blocked by the ongoing updates, then I could get a rough order of magnitude of progress by doing a null count on the county field... hate to throw queries at it while it's busy updating though...
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Vick Khera <vivek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I agree with what John R Pierce says about your GUI lumping all of it into one statement. What you can do is get indirect evidence by looking to see which rows are set. I'm assuming that your IP ranges are non-overlapping, so just do a binary search until you narrow it down to see how far along you are.On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Joey Quinn <bjquinniii@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
When I ran that command (select * from pg_stat_activity"), it returned the first six lines of the scripts. I'm fairly sure it has gotten a bit beyond that (been running over 24 hours now, and the size has increased about 300 GB). Am I missing something for it to tell me what the last line processed was?