Hi all.
I'm having some performance-issues with storing Blobs from JDBC taking loooong time (see this thread: https://github.com/impossibl/pgjdbc-ng/issues/42) and it looks like PG is to blame.
Are there any plans to improve PG in this area, making storing Blobs faster?
Andreas Joseph Krogh <andreak@xxxxxxxxxxxx> mob: +47 909 56 963
Senior Software Developer / CTO - OfficeNet AS - http://www.officenet.no
Public key: http://home.officenet.no/~andreak/public_key.asc
Andreas Joseph Krogh <andreak@xxxxxxxxxxxx> mob: +47 909 56 963
Senior Software Developer / CTO - OfficeNet AS - http://www.officenet.no
Public key: http://home.officenet.no/~andreak/public_key.asc