On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Brian Wong <bwong64@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After doing a lot of googling, I've tried setting FETCH_COUNT on psql AND/OR setting work_mem. I'm just not able to work around this issue, unless if I take most of the MAX() functions out but just one.shared_buffers: 18GBpostgresql version: 9.1.9We'd like to seek out your expertise on postgresql regarding this error that we're getting in an analytical database.Some specs:
proc: Intel Xeon X5650 @ 2.67Ghz dual procs 6-core, hyperthreading on.
memory: 48GB
OS: Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.3
What is your work_mem set to?
Did testing show that shared_buffers set to 18GB was effective? That seems about 2 to 3 times beyond what you probably want.