On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Jeff Ross <jross@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
_postgresql@nirvana:/var/postgresql $ cat start_hot_standby.sh
backup_label=wykids_`date +%Y-%m-%d`
#remove any existing wal files on the standby
ssh dukkha.internal rm -rf /wal/*
#stop the standby server if it is running
ssh dukkha.internal sudo /usr/local/bin/svc -d /service/postgresql.5432
psql -c "select pg_start_backup('$backup_label');" template1
rsync \
--copy-links \
--delete \
--exclude=backup_label \
Excluding backup_label is exactly the wrong thing to do. The only reason backup_label is created in the first place is so that it can be copied to the replica, where it is needed. It's existence on the master is a nuisance.
--exclude=postgresql.conf \
--exclude=recovery.done \
-e ssh -avz /var/postgresql/data.93.5432/ \
ssh dukkha.internal rm -f /var/postgresql/data.93.5432/pg_xlog/*
ssh dukkha.internal rm -f /var/postgresql/data.93.5432/pg_xlog/archive_status/*
ssh dukkha.internal rm -f /var/postgresql/data.93.5432/pg_log/*
ssh dukkha.internal rm -f /var/postgresql/data.93.5432/postmaster.pid
ssh dukkha.internal ln -s /var/postgresql/recovery.conf /var/postgresql/data.93.5432/recovery.conf
psql -c "select pg_stop_backup();" template1
ssh dukkha.internal sudo /usr/local/bin/svc -u /service/postgresql.5432
_postgresql@nirvana:/var/postgresql $ sh -x start_hot_standby.sh
+ date +%Y-%m-%d
+ backup_label=wykids_2013-11-06
+ ssh dukkha.internal rm -rf /wal/*
+ ssh dukkha.internal sudo /usr/local/bin/svc -d /service/postgresql.5432
+ rsync -e ssh /wal/ dukkha.internal:/wal/
skipping directory .
Where is the above rsync coming from? It doesn't seem to be in the shell script you showed.
Anyway, I think you need to copy the wal over after you call pg_stop_backup, not before you call pg_start_backup.