On 10/31/2013 07:31 AM, Yostin Vargas wrote:
I have a table with only one Field ID type Serial Autonumeric and is a
PK, i want insert a new record but it show me error Not null violation,
but if i put a value the first INSERT work correctly but the next
Insert it Show me error Unique violation,
So i try adding a new field in this table and put a value null to this
field, and the ID Autonumeric work .
Exist a way to do it only with a field, i'm working with PHP???
Some actual examples form you end would help:)
My guess is you are trying to insert a NULL value into the PK field
instead of just not inserting anything at all. An alternative is to use
the DEFAULT keyword. See below for example.
create table test_table(id_fld serial primary key, char_fld varchar);
test=> \d test_table
Table "public.test_table"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id_fld | integer | not null default
char_fld | character varying |
"test_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id_fld)
test=> INSERT INTO test_table (id_fld , char_fld) VALUES (NULL, 't');
ERROR: null value in column "id_fld" violates not-null constraint
test=> INSERT INTO test_table (char_fld) VALUES ('t');
test=> INSERT INTO test_table (id_fld , char_fld) VALUES (DEFAULT, 't');
Adrian Klaver
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