On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:52 PM, David Johnston <polobo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is the full code. It is not “minimal”, but actually what we are using.
fn_get_create_or_update_space_sku() will create a non-existent row, or update it with the passed-in data if it already exists.
You’ll notice that in this version I don’t use NOT IN( ) but rather another CTE with a left join.
It behaves the same way.
I’ve put $varname in certain places to indicate that a value is going to go in there. Some of these are actually bound with placeholders, but I left it like this for clarity.
with tt_space_sku_data as
select unnest(array[$sku_array]) as sku,
unnest(array[$quantity_array]) as quantity ,
unnest(array[$primary_array]) as primary ,
unnest(array[$position_array]) as position
tt_space_skus as
select fn_get_create_or_update_space_sku
$pk_space ,
tt.sku ,
tt.quantity ,
tt.primary ,
tt.position ,
) as space_sku
from tt_space_sku_data tt
tt_space_skus_to_delete as
select ss.space_sku
from tb_space_sku ss
left join tt_space_skus tt
on tt.space_sku = ss.space_sku
where tt.space_sku is null
and ss.space = $pk_space
delete from tb_space_sku ss
using tt_space_skus_to_delete tt
where ss.space = $pk_space
and ss.space_sku = tt.space_sku
Moshe Jacobson
Manager of Systems Engineering, Nead Werx Inc.
2323 Cumberland Parkway · Suite 201 · Atlanta, GA 30339
“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” — Aristotle