A 2013-10-03 17:50, Alvaro Herrera escrigué:
Giuseppe Broccolo wrote:
The format of the script file has to be one SQL command per line;
multiline SQL commands are not supported, and empty lines are
ignored. This could bring to errors. Could this be your case?
Multiline SQL commands are not supported? Well that sucks, because
BUFSIZ chars are read from each line. In my platform that's 8192, but
maybe in Simeó's case it's shorter .. or maybe his query really is
longer than 8192 bytes.
This smells like a pgbench bug to me.
Álvaro Herrera http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
Álvaro, you hit the nail on the head!
I have seen that in stdio.h BUFSIZ is defined like 1024 in freeBSD 9.0,
probably for this reason I can't test this query (1657 characters), but
I'm able to test shorter queries.
Finally I have done a plsql procedure to call the query from pgbench.
Meanwhile I will try to figure out if I can increase this variable
without affect the system.
Thanks to all
Simeó Reig
Barcelona (Spain)
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