A 2013-10-03 16:16, Adrian Klaver escrigué:
On 10/03/2013 07:11 AM, Simeó Reig wrote:
A 2013-10-03 15:51, Adrian Klaver escrigué:
On 10/03/2013 06:21 AM, Simeó Reig wrote:
I was doing a performance test with pgbench with a pretty long
and I have the next error:
$ pgbench -n -c1 -T 3 -f veins_pgbench.sql pdn
Client 0 aborted in state 0: ERROR: syntax error at end of input
LINE 1: ...(abc.persones.provincia = abc.poblacions.cod_provinc
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 1
number of threads: 1
duration: 3 s
number of transactions actually processed: 0
tps = 0.000000 (including connections establishing)
tps = 0.000000 (excluding connections establishing)
I believe pgbench has a very low limit with the queries you can
inside a file with the 't' option.
Am I right? How can avoid it ?
Well first you say 't' option but show 'T' option, they are
Second the error is reporting a syntax error in your script, so I
would look there first.
Yes, I did I mistake. I would say 'f' option (file option) not 't'
option, sorry . But no, there is no mistake with the script, I can
# psql -d pdn < veins_pgbench.sql
and it works perfectly
thanks Adrian, I'm almost sure that the problem is the query is too
for pgbench (1600 characters)
You have not shown the query, but could you be running into the belwo:
"The format of a script file is one SQL command per line; multiline
SQL commands are not supported. Empty lines and lines beginning with
-- are ignored. Script file lines can also be "meta commands", which
are interpreted by pgbench itself, as described below."
I did it, and I read it all ... I'm use to work with postgresql and
freeBSD world since too years ago ;-)
Thanks again Adrian
Simeó Reig
Barcelona (Spain)
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