I am working on a date-based partitioning framework and I would really like to have a single function that could be used as trigger for any table that needs to be partitioned by day. I am working in a rails environment, so every table has a created_at datetime field.I created my generic function:create or replace function day_partition_insert_trigger()returns trigger as $$declareins_tbl varchar;beginins_tbl := TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '.' || TG_TABLE_NAME || '_' || to_char(NEW.created_at,'YYYYMMDD');execute 'insert into '|| ins_tbl ||' select ($1).*' using NEW;return null;end;$$ language plpgsql;...
I began to wonder if there would be a performance degradation, so I changed the testdailytwo trigger function the typical if, elsif described in the partitioning documentation and then ran pgbench against both tables.I noticed that with 7 partitions, the if, elsif was slightly faster (~8%). However, when adding 30 partitions, the if, elsif version became slower. I'd sort of expected this.
Did you try an if, elsif, version structured like a binary search rather than a linear search?
Also, did you try them with a \copy rather than insert in a loop?