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Re: [tsearch2] Problem with case sensitivity (or with creating own dictionary)

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Ok, so to be sure if I understand everything - first I should install a postgresql-contrib extension. Next, there will appear a contrib/dict_int directory with dict_int sourcecode inside, which I can modify. Then, I'll be able to install this modified dictionary, and it would be working properly, like ispell or snowball dictionaries. Finally, if everything will be ok, I'll share a little tutorial at wiki :)
Am I right, or it isn't that easy?


W dniu 2013-08-05 18:37, Oleg Bartunov pisze:

take a look on contrib/dict_int and create your own dict_noop.
It should be easy.  I think you could document it and share
with people ( ?), since there were other people
interesting in noop dictionary. Also, don't forget to modify
your configuration - use ts_debug(), it will helps you.


On Sat, 3 Aug 2013, Krzysztof xaru Rajda wrote:


I encountered such a problem. my goal is to extract links from a text using tsearch2. Everything seemed to be well, unless I got some youtube links - there are some small and big letters inside, and a tsearch parser is lowering everything (from I got, which is not working). I went through PostgreSQL docs, and it seem that each of default dictionaries (simple, ispell, snowball) are lowering lexems during normalization, and there is no option to disable it.
I started to look for some tutorials, how to create own dictionary, 
or modify existing one (I'm talking about dictionary like snowball, 
with my own source code - not just a dictionary created by 'CREATE 
DICTIONARY...' query), but all I found is really out-of-date, and 
uses some mechanisms that are deprecated in latest version of 
Postgres (I'm working on v 9.2) - like 'contrib/gendict' here: 

So now, I have no idea what to do with my case sensitivity problem... 
Is there any other way to overcome it, apart from creating own 
dictionary? If no - how to create one on the Postgres 9.2?

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@xxxxxxxxxx,
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83

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