Hi all! I would like to remove the second line from default privileges, because dataanalysts can't create new tables in public anyway: # psql -U postgres psql (9.1.9) Type "help" for help. regress=# \ddp Default access privileges Owner | Schema | Type | Access privileges --------------+--------------+-------+----------------------------------- dataanalysts | dataanalysts | table | dataanalysts=arwdDxt/dataanalysts dataanalysts | public | table | dataanalysts=r/dataanalysts svanalytics | public | table | dataanalysts=r/svanalytics (3 rows) regress=# ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE dataanalysts IN SCHEMA public REVOKE SELECT ON TABLES FROM dataanalysts; ERROR: permission denied for schema public I'm logged in as postgres, the database superuser. Why am I getting a permission denied? Thanks! François Beausoleil
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