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Re: Success stories of PostgreSQL implementations in different companies

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On 05/23/2013 02:36 PM, Oscar Calderon wrote:
Hi, this question isn't technical, but is very important for me to know. Currently, here in El Salvador our company brings PostgreSQL support, but Oracle and SQL Server are more popular here.
Even with that, some clients are being encouraged to change to 
PostgreSQL to lower their companies costs in technologies, but very 
often they ask if there are success stories of PostgreSQL 
implementations in companies in our region or around the world, 
success stories (if is possible) with some information like number of 
concurrent users, some hardware specs or storage size.
I think that in my country is more common to hear success stories like 
that about other databases like Oracle because is more expanded here, 
but i would like if there's a place or if you can share with me some 
real experiences or success stories that you ever heard of successful 
implementations of PostgreSQL in companies to talk with people when 
they ask that kind of things.
Start with the web-site - especially:

I don't know about name-recognition in El Salvador but Etsy, Wisconsin Courts, Skype, Affilias, FlightAware, NTT are quite recognizable here.

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