On 5/22/2013 11:24 AM, Dev Kumkar
Started first with looking more into building psqlODBC today why the heck are you not installing unixODBC-libs from RPMs ?!? yum install unixODBC64 unixODBC64-libs unixODBC64-devel should do it, unless you're on Red Hat Enterprise without a subscription, then you can do it the hard way... mkdir unixODBCdownloads && cd unixODBCdownloadsif you get any dependency errors, fetch the required RPMs from http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/5/os/x86_64/CentOS/ and install manually with the rpm command. don't be surprised if the dependencies have dependencies, normally yum would sort that out automatically. if your application is 32bit, then you'll need to install 32bit ODBC instead of the 64bit stuff above. if you ARE on Red Hat Enterprise Linux without a RHN subscription, you really really should be on CentOS instead, its a 100% compatible distribution rebuilt from Red Hat sources with the branding and redhat network subscription stuff removed and replaced with open yum repositories. btw, i'm offline til next week. have fun with that. -- john r pierce 37N 122W somewhere on the middle of the left coast |