Thanks Achilleas, I think the same, but I'm not sure.
Saludos, Karel Riverón
Consejo Científico Estudiantil
Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas
Consejo Científico Estudiantil
Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas
From: "Achilleas Mantzios" <achill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: "Karel Riveron Escobar" <kescobar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 11:01:16 AM
Subject: Re: Comunication protocol
That would be postgresql:5432/TCP
On Παρ 17 Μαΐ 2013 10:54:02 Karel Riveron Escobar wrote:
Hi everyone:
I have a question. I think it's so simple to answer but I don't know anything about that. I want to know what is the comunication protocol among PostgreSQL database server and an application server like Apache. I have to know that because I'm designing a simple deployment diagram and I just need it for finish.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Karel Riverón
Student Scientific Council
Informatics Science University
Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt