Hi Joe,
Thanks for responding as you would clearly be the expert on this sort of
problem. My current function does page through data using a cursor
precisely to avoid out of memory problems, which is why I am somewhat
surprised and stumped as to how this can be happening. It does return
all the data at once, but one call to the function would seem to work,
so I can't see why 4 wouldn't. I am currently planning to do some test
runs using memory.profile() to see if each successive call to the PL/R
function is somehow accumulating memory usage somewhere. Perhaps I am
not properly closing a query or something like that?
I am attaching my code. Perhaps you will have some insight. To give
you a basic idea of what I am trying to do, I have separately developed
a classification model for the state of a "system" based on the data in
the postgresql table. I want to apply that model to each line of the
table. I loop over the cursor and predict the state for batches of
10,000 lines at a time.
Thanks again for the help.
On 05/16/2013 11:40 PM, Joe Conway wrote:
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On 05/16/2013 08:40 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
"David M. Kaplan" <david.kaplan@xxxxxx> writes:
Thanks for the help. You have definitely identified the problem,
but I am still looking for a solution that works for me. I tried
setting vm.overcommit_memory=2, but this just made the query
crash quicker than before, though without killing the entire
connection to the database. I imagine that this means that I
really am trying to use more memory than the system can handle?
I am wondering if there is a way to tell postgresql to flush a
set of table lines out to disk so that the memory they are using
can be liberated.
Assuming you don't have work_mem set to something unreasonably
large, it seems likely that the excessive memory consumption is
inside your PL/R function, and not the fault of Postgres per se.
You might try asking in some R-related forums about how to reduce
the code's memory usage.
The two "classic" approaches to this with PL/R are either create a
custom aggregate with the PL/R as the final function (i.e. work on one
group at a time) or use the SPI cursor functionality within the PL/R
function and page your data using a cursor. Not all forms of analysis
lend themselves to these approaches, but perhaps yours does.
Ultimately I would like to implement a form of R data.frame that does
the paging with a cursor transparently for you, but I have not been
able to find the time so far.
- --
Joe Conway
credativ LLC: http://www.credativ.us
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David M. Kaplan
Charge de Recherche 1
Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement
Centre de Recherche Halieutique Mediterraneenne et Tropicale
av. Jean Monnet
B.P. 171
34203 Sete cedex
Phone: +33 (0)4 99 57 32 27
Fax: +33 (0)4 99 57 32 95
CREATE TYPE predict_classification_model_type
AS (clean_pt_id int, class varchar(20));
--- NOTE: Must be superuser to create PLR functions
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION predict_classification_model
(filename varchar(256), modelname varchar(256),
schemaname varchar(256), tablename varchar(256),
wherecondition varchar(256) )
RETURNS SETOF predict_classification_model_type AS
pg.thrownotice('Starting predict_classification_model')
for (m in mp) pg.thrownotice(m)
tablename <- pg.quoteident(tablename)
if (nchar(schemaname)>0) {
schemaname <- pg.quoteident(schemaname)
tablename <- paste(schemaname,tablename,sep=".")
if (nchar(wherecondition) == 0) {
wherecondition = 'TRUE'
wherecondition = pg.quoteliteral(wherecondition)
# Load in file with model. This can be fairly large.
themodel <- get(modelname)
# Count number of lines in table
s <- paste('SELECT count(*) FROM',tablename,'WHERE',wherecondition)
q <- pg.spi.exec(s)
n <- q$count
# Create empty data.frame for storing result
resdf <- data.frame( clean_pt_id=rep(NA,n), class=rep(NA,n) )
# Open cursor for loading in data a bunch at a time
s <- paste('SELECT * FROM',tablename,'WHERE',wherecondition)
p <- pg.spi.prepare(s)
c <- pg.spi.cursor_open('my_cursor',p);
# Load in chunks and put data in result matrix
M <- 10000 # This being large helps avoid poorly factorizing columns
N <- ceiling(n/M)
if (N>0) {
for (i in 1:N) {
d <- pg.spi.factor(pg.spi.cursor_fetch(c,TRUE,as.integer(M)))
# Fix NA in certain columns
l <- d[,na.cols]
l[ is.na(l) ] <- na.replace.val
d[,na.cols] <- l
# Predict classes
pr <- as.character(predict(object = themodel, newdata= d, type="response"))
# Index of first new element
ii <- (i-1)*M+1
# New stuff to place in data frame
resdf[ii:(ii+dim(d)[1]-1),] <- cbind( d$clean_pt_id, pr )
for (m in mp) pg.thrownotice(m)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION predict_classification_model
(filename varchar(256), modelname varchar(256),
schemaname varchar(256), tablename varchar(256) )
RETURNS SETOF predict_classification_model_type AS
SELECT predict_classification_model($1,$2,$3,$4,'');
--- This is how to use the function
-- SELECT predict_classification_model('/tmp/model.randomForest.mtry_4.ntree_1500.RData','themodel','fads_stats','all_stats');
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