On 05/16/2013 07:13 AM, Ioana Danes
From http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server work_mem maintainance_work_memIf you do a lot of complex sorts, and have a lot of memory, then increasing the work_mem parameter allows PostgreSQL to do larger in-memory sorts which, unsurprisingly, will be faster than disk-based equivalents. This size is applied to each and every sort done by each user, and complex queries can use multiple working memory sort buffers. Set it to 50MB, and have 30 users submitting queries, and you are soon using 1.5GB of real memory. Furthermore, if a query involves doing merge sorts of 8 tables, that requires 8 times work_mem. You need to consider what you set max_connections to in order to size this parameter correctly. This is a setting where data warehouse systems, where users are submitting very large queries, can readily make use of many gigabytes of memory. maintenance_work_mem is used for operations like vacuum. Using extremely large values here doesn't help very much, and because you essentially need to reserve that memory for when vacuum kicks in, takes it away from more useful purposes. Something in the 256MB range has anecdotally been a reasonably large setting here. |