>on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 4:04 PM Raghavendra wrote:
>In earlier version of primary connection information was enclosed within one single quote:
>primary_conninfo = 'user=postgres host=localhost port=5432'
>But, the file created with -R option (recovery.conf) has doubled the single quotes for all variable values user/host/port/sslmode/sslcompression in primary connection.
>standby_mode = 'on'
>primary_conninfo = 'user=''postgres'' host=''localhost'' port=''5555'' sslmode=''disable'' sslcompression=''1'' '
>Was it intentional to double the singe quotes of variable values ?
Yes, It was intentional to support some of the special characters in configuration parameters which can be used in the primary_conninfo.
There is a patch in the next commit-fest which is further extending the special characters in password.
Please refer the following link.
Hari babu.
Thank you.