2013/3/29 tahoe-gary <gbaker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-- In what version of PG is the 'my_type'::regtype::oid syntax available? I
want to introduce this to the JDBC driver which currently does the most
ridiculous query that totally ignores search path.
JDBC driver does this currently: SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE
typname = ?
So if you have more than one type of the same name (or perhaps a UDT and a
table with the same name as in my case) it just grabs whichever one first
appears in pg_type regardless of search path.
So I intend to change that query to: SELECT ?::regtype::oid
But I need to know if I should be checking the server version or not. What
is the min version that that query will work on?
According to the documentation, I think that Object Identifier Types was introduced in 7.3.
// Dmitriy.