SELECT unnest2(array['a','b']),unnest2(array['1','2']);
when in fact it returns 2:
unnest2 | unnest2
a | 1
b | 2
Which is all well and good. (Better, in fact, for my purposes.) But then this query returns 6 rows:
SELECT unnest2(array['a','b','c']),unnest2(array['1','2']);
unnest2 | unnest2
a | 1
b | 2
c | 1
a | 2
b | 1
c | 2
Throw an unnested null column in and you get zero rows, which I also didn't expect:
SELECT unnest2(array['a','b','c']),unnest2(array['1','2']),unnest(NULL::varchar[]);
unnest2 | unnest2 | unnest
(0 rows)
After some head scratching, I think I understand what to expect from these unnests, but I'm unclear of the logic behind what is going on. I'm hoping someone can explain it a bit. Also, on a practical level, would anyone know how to query so that SELECT unnest2(array['a','b','c']),unnest2(array['1','2']) would return three rows instead of six, like so:
a 1
b 2
c (NULL)
As that would be perfect for my purposes. Thanks in advance!
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