log_destination = 'syslog'
it does log to the syslog file.
When I changed to to log_destination = 'stderr' still nothing logged.
commenting out doesn't do much either. I initially thought it would be a perms thing, but when I deleted the file and did a reload, postgres created the log file. So not sure what is going on exactly.
Again, any help would be appreciated here to figure this out, where I don't need to restart the db.
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Anson Abraham <anson.abraham@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My postgresql-9.0-main.log file has suddenly stopped getting updated. I do not know why it stopped all of a sudden. We made a slight modificationwhere changed in the postgresql.conf param:Fromlog_connections = offlog_disconnections = off
log_connections = onlog_disconnections = onI'm on a debian environment w/ version 9.0.7. It's a single instance w/ no cluster on here. It was done w/a simple apt-get install back when, when it was a fresh server (we'll call this db1)
I have an identical setup for another server (db4), and when I made the change to the same paramers in conf, it's updating the postgresql-9.0-main.log file. I reverted the connections and discon from on back to off, and did a postgresql reload as well as pg_reload_conf(). For both servers. db4 the log file is getting updated db1 nothing. I thought the file was locked or some perms may have changed and I deleted the postgresql-9.0-main.log file. It didn't create a new log file until i did a postgresql reload. It created the new file, but still nothing getting written to it.I know first thing people would say is to restart the instance, but restarting is not an option for me in this case.I've changeducommented out this param#log_destination = 'stderr'to be stderr, and even syslog and did a reload and nothing.I know i should use log collector, but again, that also requires a restart as well, unless a reload will work?The way I reload is /etc/init.d/postgresql reloadThe distro for Debian is squeeze. Again, it works on my other server, this server it doesn't. Any one have any ideas, where I don't need to restart the pg instance?Thanks in advance.-Anson