Tuesday, February 05, 2013 12:40 PM nvardar wrote:
> throws;
> >[Error] Script lines: 1-20 -------------------------
> ERROR: Node 2 has aborted execution, cause is:
> com.edb.gridsql.exception.XDBServerException :
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> QUERY: SELECT "TMPTT6624_1"."deviceplatformtype" AS
> "deviceplatformtype","TMPTT6624_1"."XSERIALID0" AS
> "TMPTT6624_1"
> LEFT OUTER JOIN "dim_deviceplatformtype" "ext7" ON ("ext7"."dim_id" =
> "TMPTT6624_1"."deviceplatformtype") WHERE "ext7"."dim_id" IS NULL
> Line: 1
> [Executed: 2/4/13 11:07:08 PM PST ] [Execution: 0/ms]
Does this query work if you copy it from the exception message and execute it in psql?
If so, then the problem is somewhere in the Java domain, between gridsql and jdbc.
If not, you'll probably get a more informative error out of it ;)
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
Cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.