Thanks in advance for thinking about my problem. As I suspect you know, CA Erwin doesn’t support Postgres or greenplum. But they do support ODBC for reverse engineering. When I reverse, Erwin executes the standard ODBC metadata queries for the system catalog. The process works fine, but I’m finding that the datatype that’s returned is the internal PG type instead of the standard set of ANSI types. Eg, a BIGINT column returns as INT8. I could live with the non-standard lables, if the resulting DDL would execute. But PGadmin doesn’t know the data types. I’ve traced the same function to PGadmin and find that it is submitting a query with the format_type(type oid) function to convert to ANSI types. I’ve installed the newest PG ODBC driver and the problem remains. I’m hoping that there is a setting in ODBC that I can use to have the ANSI datatypes returned. Short of that, Is there anyway to change the Query that’s submitted It’s querying the pg_attribute, pg_type type with the schema name specified Pg_catalog, so I don’t think I can over ride the select. Perhaps a rule might work. Any suggestions on moving forward? Thanks Doug Little Sr. Data Warehouse Architect | Business Intelligence Architecture | Orbitz Worldwide 500 W. Madison, Suite 1000 Chicago IL 60661| Office 312.260.2588 | Fax 312.894.5164 | Cell 847-997-5741 |