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Re: JDBC - Need to declare variables for values in insert statement

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I had read 'through' the JDBC material,
but now reading more deeply with more insight.
The API is useful too.

Anyhoo, PreparedStatement works like a charm, viz.,

PreparedStatement pstmt= db.prepareStatement("insert into hello values ('cKey', ?)");

This also worked, include the function directly, skip the java field.  Nice.


Makes sense, because the setInt() API says that the value resides in the Java world.

"Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value."

I have about 250 source files on my machine that use PreparedStatements.
I wrote a few of them, but usually by grabbing code from the web. 
The rest are demos or parts of systems I used for some of my work.
Used embedded Derby = JavaDB back then - history now.
The fact that the code contained a few PreparedStatements was not what I focused on.
The code just worked, doing what I needed.

My new understanding now allows me to do a ton of good NLP stuff.

Back to the future. 

Thanks all,

 - Bob

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Edson Richter <edsonrichter@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would recommend the reading of the excellent The Java Tutorial, that has a very well explained section about JDBC:

and the chapter about PreparedStatements:


Edson Richter

Em 28/01/2013 17:09, Bob Futrelle escreveu:
Thanks to Edson and Dave for lightning responses.
I'm confident that your answers will do the job.
I'll follow up on the advice AFTER I get my coffee ;-)

I'm really focused on the NLP content of my research,
but I need a DB infrastructure to do it right.
(Not a bunch of files as in ancient times.)

 --- Bob

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Edson Richter <edsonrichter@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You have two options:

st.execute("insert into hello values ('bKey', "+f1()+")");


PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("insert into hello values ('bKey', ?)");
st.setInteger(1, f1());

where 1 is the first parameter, 2 is the second parameter, and so on.


Edson Richter

Em 28/01/2013 16:50, Bob Futrelle escreveu:
Here's a small, but complete code example - Bob

import java.sql.*;

 * This is an effort to get a computed value from a Java function
 * (or data object) included properly in the VALUES entries.
 * So, how can I declare an SQL variable and set its value to some Java value?
 * Results viewed in pgAdmin3  with query 'select * from public.hello'.
 * Jar in classpath is postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar
 * @version 0.1  Mon Jan 28 EST 2013
 * @author Bob Futrelle

public class JDBCVariableTest {

Connection db;
Statement st;
Boolean boo;

public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {

JDBCVariableTest testIt = new JDBCVariableTest();

public int f1() { return 3;}

public void helloVariables() throws SQLException  {

int intVar = f1();  // OK in Java, but SQL/JDBC?

try {
db = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql:Articles", "robertfutrelle", "<my pw>");
st = db.createStatement();
boo  = st.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hello ( Name VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value int)");

// Declare ....  ??
// how do I declare a variable and assign the f1() return value to it
// and then include it so the value 3 appears in the inserted record?
//st.execute("insert into hello values('aKey',4)");
st.execute("insert into hello values('bKey',4)");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Dave Cramer <pg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Can you provide a snippet of code so I can understand what you mean by declare ?

Dave Cramer


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:11 AM, Bob Futrelle <bob.futrelle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do the declare statements and insert all have to be done in one statement execute()?
That is, what is the scope of variables I declare?
I see a variety of syntax examples, some for older versions?
I'm using pg 9.2.2, so what are the rules/syntax for declaring and using variables?

Use case: I collect metadata from XML articles such as title, journalName, volume, year.  For each article I need to create a pg table record and insert the values for the various metadata items in the article.

This is my first post to this list.


 - Bob

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