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Re: Cannot install postgres 9.2, less than 32 MB of memory

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On 01/19/2013 05:10 AM, Alexander Reichstadt wrote:

I never had any problems to install postgres 9.1, now I do with 9.2. This is the enterprise installer for Mac OS X. I tried to install and am getting the dreaded error message regarding shared memory, which is not very helpful because it does not seem to actually look at the file it complains about. I edited it, I read the readme. I changed the sizes accordingly, yet it persists in claiming there to be too less memory on an intel mac pro with 18 GB of ram. Please, can someone help?
Would it be possible to get some more specific information.

1) The text of the actual error message?

2) What file?

3) What did you edit?

4) What size(s) did you change and how?

Thank you in advance

Adrian Klaver

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