Please do not top post!
See my reply below.... On 27/12/12 03:48, Martin Gainty wrote: [...]
In New Zealand we generally use petrol, or diesel, measured in litres - though there are some cars powered by natural gas. I think the USA is one of the few places not using the metric system. There are some people who have their family home in the South Island and work in the North, generally they stay in the North during the week and fly back for weekends. Contrary to what you may have been told, you don't (yet) need a passport to go between the 2 Islands. I normally work from home, but sometimes go into the university for meetings and seminars - a trip by bus of about 2 hours. Both places in Auckland city. To bring this back on topic: I plan to use PostgreSQL for the backend of the software I am developing... Cheers, Gavin |