Hi Harry,
As you reported "pg_terminate_backend(pid)" returning "f" when executing. Please confirm are u getting any error like below .
postgres=# select pg_terminate_backend(342033);
WARNING: PID 342033 is not a PostgreSQL server process
(1 row)
Not sure, what kind of error your are getting while executing it. So, requesting you to share your postgresql version, command what you have executed and it's result. However, pg_terminate_backend() is responsible to send "SIGTERM" to it's OS process. From there onwards, OS will take care about the given process termination.
Can you give a try, by picking the IP's of the processes which are not getting killed from pg_stat_activity(client_addr column) and make REJECT entries in pg_hba.conf file as below:host all all <client_addr IP> rejectand reload the cluster using pg_ctl -D $PGDATA reloadNow try killing the process
pg_ctl kill TERM <Process PID>