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Re: Experiences with pl/Java

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On 11/19/12 2:56 PM, Thomas Hill wrote:
thanks - not sure how plJava works here and if the implementation is identical to Apache Derby - what I can tell however is that defining the types the way I did (integer on one side vs an array of integers on the other side) is exactely how Apache Derby needs this as there out parms always need to be defined as arrays in the method declaration and are then automatically returned as integers - I will try to use integers on both sides for plJava tomorrow, but if this would solve the problem this would also mean that method declaration is different and depending on data base backend implementation - which would make could re-use impossible

can't answer with respect to Derby, but we've got one internal application that requires pljava which was ported over from Oracle, and uses JDBC to implement trigger based replication of static data between oracle 10g and postgres servers, apparently the pljava code moved without any hassle.
getting pljava working on a given platform is a pain.   I had to build 
it for AIX which was definitely not fun, but once I got it working, the 
apps work just fine.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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