work_mem is defined with 10MB and yes, there are triggers defined on both tables:
FiscalWeb=# \d "5611_isarq".wm_nfsp
Table "5611_isarq.wm_nfsp"
Column | Type | Modifiers
tpdoc | smallint | not null
numero | character varying(18) | not null
codpre | bigint | not null
compet | character varying(7) |
dtemis | date |
vlrtot | numeric(15,2) |
situnf | character(1) |
parcela | smallint |
obs | text |
sequencia | bigint | not null
cnpjtom | numeric(14,0) |
"wm_nfsp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (tpdoc, numero, codpre, sequencia)
"idx_wm_nfsp_codpre" btree (codpre)
"idx_wm_nfsp_dtemis" btree (dtemis)
tg_wm_nfsp BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON "5611_isarq".wm_nfsp FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fun_isarq.wm_nfsp('5611', 'isarq')
FiscalWeb=# \d "5611_nfarq".nfe
Table "5611_nfarq.nfe"
Column | Type | Modifiers
cadastro | bigint | not null
serie | smallint | not null
numero | integer | not null
codauten | character varying(14) | not null
dataemis | date | not null
horaemis | character varying(8) | not null
vlrtot | numeric(15,2) | not null
situacao | smallint | not null
observ | text |
datacanc | date |
obscanc | text |
tipotom | character varying(30) | not null
nf_html | text |
nf_assinada | text |
nf_protocolada | text |
vlrtot_desc | numeric(15,2) |
vlrtot_ir | numeric(15,2) |
vlrtot_inss | numeric(15,2) |
vlrtot_contsocial | numeric(15,2) |
tipo | smallint | not null default 1
vlrtot_rps | numeric(15,2) |
vlrtot_pis | numeric(15,2) |
vlrtot_cofins | numeric(15,2) |
lote_rps | integer | default 0
numero_rps | integer | default 0
cnpjtom | bigint |
cpfcnpjcanc | bigint |
tomadorsemdoc | integer |
"pk_nfe" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cadastro, serie, numero)
"uni_codauten" UNIQUE, btree (codauten)
Foreign-key constraints:
"nfe_serie_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (serie) REFERENCES "5611_nfarq".serie(codigo) ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT
Disabled triggers:
tg_nfe BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON "5611_nfarq".nfe FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fun_nfarq.nfe('5611', 'NFARQ')
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:50 AM, Craig Ringer <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 11/08/2012 06:20 PM, Carlos Henrique Reimer wrote:Are there any triggers on the table?
> Is there a way to make PostgreSQL 8.3.21 server stop memory bound
> backends as PostgreSQL 9.0.0 does?
What's the setting for work_mem?
Craig Ringer
47-3347-1724 47-9183-0547 msn: carlos.reimer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx