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Re: Re: [GENERAL] Mapping PostgreSQL data types to DB2 Federated Server

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On 10/14/12 6:37 PM, Alexander Gataric wrote:
On 10/14/12 5:52 PM, Alexander Gataric wrote:
> I'm on a project which requires adding PostgreSQL tables to DB2 > Federated Server. I'm getting an error with PostgreSQL data types > boolean, text, bytea, and XML. I believe this can be solved with the > CREATE TYPE MAPPING in Fed Server. Does anyone know which values to > use? I'm not that familiar with Fed Server.
I googled db2 data types.

Postgres' TEXT would map to VARCHAR(n) but you'll have to decide on a suitable max length for you n value. ther's nothing like boolean, so probably mapping it either to a SMALLINT where 't' is 1 and 'f' is 0, or mapping it to a char(1) and just storing it as t/f for true/false. BYTEA is equivalent to a BLOB, whatever DB2 uses for that. and DB2 is supposed to have an XML type, but I suppose you could just map it to VARCHAR(n) again, as XML is really just a bunch of text formatted with html-like entities.

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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