On 10/11/2012 01:35 PM, tigran2-postgres@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Using files stored outside the database creates all sorts of problems.
For starters you lose ACID guaranties. I would prefer to keep them in
database. We did a lot of experiments with Large Objects and they really
worked fine (stored hundreds of LOBs ranging from a few MB up to 1GB).
Postgres does a really good job with Large Objects. If it was not the
pg_dump problem I would not hesitate to use LOBs.
Yeah, a pg_dump mode that dumped everything but large objects would be
Right now I find storing large objects in the DB such a pain from a
backup management point of view that I avoid it where possible.
I'm now wondering about the idea of implementing a pg_dump option that
dumped large objects into a directory tree like
and wrote out a restore script that loaded them using `lo_import`.
During dumping temporary copies could be written to something like
lobs/[loid]/.tmp.nnnn with the md5 being calculated on the fly as the
byte stream is read. If the dumped file had the same md5 as the existing
one it'd just delete the tempfile; otherwise the tempfile would be
renamed to the calculated md5.
That way incremental backup systems could manage the dumped LOB tree
without quite the same horrible degree of duplication as is currently
faced when using lo in the database with pg_dump.
A last_modified timestamp on `pg_largeobject_metadata` would be even
better, allowing the cost of reading and discarding rarely-changed large
objects to be avoided.
Craig Ringer
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