yes, but again, plpython3 would depend on having python-libs for python 3.x, which EL5/6 do not provide. the plpython provided by has dependency on...
OK. It seemed to me, that plpython2 and plpython3 were introduced exactly for this reason.
Postgres documentation ( states:
It is not allowed to use PL/Python based on Python 2 and PL/Python based on Python 3 in the same session, because the symbols in the dynamic modules would clash, which could result in crashes of the PostgreSQL server process. There is a check that prevents mixing Python major versions in a session, which will abort the session if a mismatch is detected. It is possible, however, to use both PL/Python variants in the same database, from separate sessions.
$ yum deplist postgresql91-plpython
postgresql91-plpython.x86_64 9.1.5-3PGDG.rhel6
provider: python-libs.x86_64 2.6.6-29.el6_2.2
Sad but you are right. My impression of possibility to use python3 was because there are packages for python3 for Fedora. EL prevents python3 everywhere compatible environment.
So, there is hope, that EnterpriseDB will provide python2.dll for 9.2.
For 9.1 I found it posted somewhere in support forum. This time I can be not so lucky.