Thank you David for all your help,On Sep 4, 2012, at 21:39, Sergio Basurto <sbasurto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I am using regexp_matches in a function like this > > create or replace function test (v_string in text) returns varchar as $$ > declare > i_strings text[]; > i_string text[]; > > i_strings := regexp_matches(v_string,E'[a-zA-Z0-9:\\s\\-\\.#%]*:[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-\\.#%]+','g'); You can store a single array value into i_strings. It does not magically convert a multi-row result into an array. You can use ARRAY_AGG to do so or execute the query directly as part of the loop while using a "record" variable to store the current row's value(s). > > -- Then I use the results > foreach i_string slice 1 in array i_strings > loop > raise notice 'row = %',i_string; > end loop; > > when I run the function like this: > > select test('1:Warehouse1;2:Warehouse2;'); > > postgresql complains: > ERROR: query "SELECT regexp_matches(v_string,E'[a-zA-Z0-9:\\s\\-\\.#%]*:[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-\\.#%]+','g')" returned more than one row > > Why postgres is sending the ERROR? > > Off course I am expecting more than one row!, that's why is in a foreach loop in the first place. > > If I run: > select regexp_matches('1:Warehouse1;2:Warehouse2;',E'[a-zA-Z0-9:\\s\\-\\.#%]*:[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-\\.#%]+','g'); > regexp_matches > ---------------- > {1:Warehouse1} > {2:Warehouse2} > (2 rows) > > I am doing something wrong? Note that because you do not use grouping in your _expression_ there is only a single array "cell" in each row - but there could be more than one in which case your for-each above would effectively loop through each sub-component of the match. > > Regards, > David J.
I got it working finally thanks to your explanation, so the code that works for me is:
create or replace function test (v_string in text) returns varchar as $$
i_strings refcursor := null;
i_string text[];
i_query text;
i_query := 'select regexp_matches('''||v_string||''',E''[a-zA-Z0-9:\\s\\-\\.#%]*:[A-Za-z0-9\\s\\-\\.#%]+'',''g'')';
open i_strings for execute i_query;
if i_strings is not null then
loop fetch i_strings into i_string;
exit when not found;
raise notice 'row = %',i_string;
end loop;
close i_strings;
end if;
return 0;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Thanks again David.
Kind Regards,