I note you've decided to rewrite this query as a union > SELECT * FROM account > WHERE user_id in > (SELECT user_id FROM account > WHERE id = ANY('{00000000-02f6-379d-c000-000000026810,00000000-0320-b467-c000-000000026810,00000000-000d-cefb-c000-000000026810}')) > OR > id = ANY('{00000000-02f6-379d-c000-000000026810,00000000-0320-b467-c000-000000026810,00000000-000d-cefb-c000-000000026810}'); I notice both arrays (used with = ANY) have the exact same content, if this is always true you can use a CTE here for the ID=ANY(...) query and reference the CTE on both sides of the union. WITH i as ( SELECT * FROM account WHERE id = ANY('{00000000-02f6-379d-c000-000000026810,00000000-0320-b467-c000-000000026810,00000000-000d-cefb-c000-000000026810}') ) SELECT * from i UNION DISTINCT SELECT account.* from account join i on i.user_id = account.userid ; -- ⚂⚃ 100% natural -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general