Em 16/06/2012 12:59, hb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx escreveu:
thanks i thought about splitting the file, but that did no work out well.
so we receive 2 files evry 30 seconds and need to import this as fast as possible.
we do not run java curently but maybe it's an option.
are you willing to share your code?
also i was thinking using perl for it
On 16 jun. 2012, at 17:37, Edson Richter <edsonrichter@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Em 16/06/2012 12:04, hb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx escreveu:
hi there,
I am trying to import large data files into pg.
for now i used the. xarg linux command to spawn the file line for line and set and use the maximum available connections.
we use pg pool as connection pool to the database, and so try to maximize the concurrent data import of the file.
problem for now that it seems to work well but we miss a line once in a while, and that is not acceptable. also it creates zombies ;(.
does anybody have any other tricks that will do the job?
I've used custom Java application using connection pooling (limited to 1000 connections, mean 1000 concurrent file imports).
I'm able to import more than 64000 XML files (about 13Kb each) in 5 minutes, without memory leaks neither zombies, and (of course) no missing records.
Besides I each thread import separate file, I have another situation where I have separated threads importing different lines of same file. No problems at all. Do not forget to check your OS "file open" limits (it was a big issue in the past for me due Lucene indexes generated during import).
Server: 8 core Xeon, 16Gig, SAS 15000 rpm disks, PgSQL 9.1.3, Linux Centos 5, Sun Java 1.6.27.
Edson Richter
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I'm not allowed to publish my company's code, but the logic if very easy
to understand (you will have to "invent" your own solution, below code
is bare bone):
class MainThread implements Runnable {
private boolean keepRunning = true;
public void run() {
while(keepRunning) {
try {
Thread.sleep(30000); // sleep 30 seconds
} catch(Exception ex) {
private void executeFiles() {
File monitorDir = new File("/var/mydatafolder/");
File processingDir = new File("/var/myprocessingfolder/");
// I'll import only files with names like "data20120621.csv":
FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
boolean isfile = file.isFile() && !file.isHidden() &&
if(!isfile) return false;
String fname = file.getName();
return fname.startsWith("data") &&
List<File> forProcessing = monitorDir.listFiles(fileFilter);
for(File fileFound : forProcessing) {
// FileUtil is a utility class, you will have to create
your own... your move method will vary according your Operating System
FileUtil.move(fileFound, processingDir);
// ProcessFile is a class that implements Runnable, and do
your stuff there...
Thread t = new Thread(new ProcessFile(processingDir,
/** Use this method to stop the thread from another place in your
complex system! */
public void synchronized stopWorker() {
keepRunning = false;
public static void main(String [] args) {
Thread t = new Thread(new MainThread());
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