Merlin writes” first, the way to do insert from composite type is like this: insert into foo select (f).*; if f is type of foo. The actual error you're getting is probably….” I gave this a try. Still bumping into syntax errors CREATE TYPE oww_mart_tbls.type_log_site_process AS (proc_id integer, proc_name character varying(500), step_id integer, step_desc character varying(2000), step_starttime timestamp without time zone, step_endtime timestamp without time zone, step_returncode character varying(500), activity_count integer, status_flag character varying(1), status_desc character varying(2000)); ALTER TYPE oww_mart_tbls.type_log_site_process OWNER TO gpadmin; Create function … DECLARE -- standard variables vSpReturn_code text; Logsp oww_mart_tbls.type_log_site_process%ROWTYPE; ….. insert into oww_mart_tbls.log_site_process(proc_id, proc_name, step_id, step_desc, step_starttime, step_endtime, step_returncode, activity_count, status_flag, status_desc) select (logsp).*; works. Thanks for the help. Doug Little Sr. Data Warehouse Architect | Business Intelligence Architecture | Orbitz Worldwide 500 W. Madison, Suite 1000 Chicago IL 60661| Office 312.260.2588 | Fax 312.894.5164 | Cell 847-997-5741 |