I'm running on a program as to migrate multiple tables to one table
the program seems worked on informix environment but not in postgress
Im getting the following
error when running the program on postgress
| pgs.c:01466(3) : Nat stmt1 = declare cu4 cursor for
| pgs.c:01472(2) : Could not prepare the statement.
| pgs.c:01473(2) : ERROR: syntax error at end of input
LINE 1: declare cu4 cursor for
| pgs.c:00321(3) : Diagnostic info:
| pgs.c:00322(3) : SQL State: 42601
| pgs.c:00323(3) : Message : syntax error at end of input
| pgs.c:01801(2) : Could not execute statement with result set.
| sqlcode : -201
| sqlstate : 42601
| sqlerrd2
: -1
| sql message : syntax error at end of input
| sql msg param :
| sql driver : ident='dbmpgs83x'
Program stopped at 'db_upg77R060.4gl', line number 289.
SQL statement error number -201 (-1).
PREPARE q_cbdbaudit_tables FROM
DECLARE c_cbdbaudit_tables CURSOR FOR q_cbdbaudit_tables
FOREACH c_cbdbaudit_tables INTO p_audittable<---line number 289
IF DOWNSHIFT(p_audittable) NOT MATCHES "cb_db[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][a-z][a-z]" THEN
need your help on this.thanks