On 21.04.2012 12:59, Andres Freund wrote:
On Friday, April 20, 2012 10:39:25 AM Condor wrote:
array_accumulate aggregate is:
CREATE AGGREGATE array_accumulate (
sfunc = array_append,
basetype = anyelement,
stype = anyarray,
initcond = '{}'
Btw, if you replace that by array_agg which is builtin in any version
HS/SR the whole query might finish faster and thus is less likely to
No, the speed is the same, I just check with explain but yes, I will
switch to use array_agg
If youre already on 9.1 you might also want to look into
that can also reduce the likelihood of conflicts by informing the
master what
is going on on the standby.
This option hot_standby_feedback look interesting, but when I read what
do more questions coming like:
This can cause database bloat on the primary for some workloads. Well
if I run one query every hour and take
30 min to finish the job, with how much my database on primary will be
increase and when I run vaccumdb on master do this
blob will gone. Well I watch one treat here, one guy with 540 gb
database with huge blob and Im little scared do I
will have the same result. Also if something happened on the master
server and it's going down do I will have all
wal files in archive directory on standby server and did postgres will
apply them auto after finish the query or
I need to do this manually.
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