Dear Filip! 2012/2/28 Filip Rembiałkowski <plk.zuber@xxxxxxxxx>: > On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Durumdara <durumdara@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Just some loose comments. > > > > A way to explicitly lock given row without updating it: > SELECT whatever FROM thetable WHERE id=123 FOR UPDATE NOWAIT; Thanks, that was I have been searching for this time. > > A way to force error when any statement takes more than 200 msec: > SET statement_timeout TO '200ms'; As I see that is not needed here. Only for normal updates. And how I can "reset" statement_timeout after this command to "default" value? > > The waiting that you observed is normal - there is no way in > PostgreSQL to force _other_ transactions into NOWAIT mode. All > transactions that do not want to wait, should use explicit locking > with NOWAIT option. If I understand it well, I must follow NOWAIT schema for update to avoid long updates (waiting for error). 1.) I starting everywhere with select for update nowait 2.) Next I make update command 3.) Commit So if I starting with point 2, I got long blocking because of waiting for release row lock? But as I remember in PGSQL there is the read committed iso-level the default. This meaning that rows are same in on "select for", after they can change. May the solution is if PGSQL support that: create temporary table tmp_update as select id from atable where ... select * from atable for update nowait where id in (select id from tmp_update) update atable set value = 1 where id in (select id from tmp_update) Is this correct? Thanks for it: dd -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: