On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 6:22 PM, James B. Byrne <byrnejb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
List of databases
On Mon, February 27, 2012 17:16, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> From psql do \l and see who actually owns the database.
Name | Owner | Encoding |
devl | devl | UTF8 |
test | devl | UTF8 |
postgres | postgres | UTF8 |
template0 | postgres | UTF8 |
| | |
template1 | postgres | UTF8 |
| | |
(5 rows)
Collation, C-Type and Access Privileges columns removed.
template1=# \dL
List of languages
Name | Owner | Trusted
plpgsql | postgres | t
template1=# CREATE DATABASE pl_test with owner=aklaver;
template1=# \c pl_test aklaver -
You are now connected to database "pl_test" as user "aklaver".
pl_test=> \dL
List of languages
Name | Owner | Trusted
plpgsql | postgres | t
(1 row)
pl_test=> \c - postgres
You are now connected to database "pl_test" as user "postgres".
pl_test=# DROP EXTENSION plpgsql ;
pl_test=# \c - aklaver
You are now connected to database "pl_test" as user "aklaver".
pl_test=> CREATE EXTENSION plpgsql ;
pl_test=> \dL
List of languages
Name | Owner | Trusted
plpgsql | aklaver | t
(1 row)
I guess the options are either do as I did above or create a new template database as the owner you want and use that as the template for your CREATE DATABASE.