Hi guys!
I know that we can do:
Select unaccent('áéíóúñ')
Select unaccent('unaccent', 'áéíóúñ')
Select unaccent('custom_unaccent', 'áéíóúñ)
PG Docs say that we can set the rules for default installed unaccent dictionary:
ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY unaccent (RULES='custom_unaccent');
And PG Docs too say that we can create another dictionary based on the template. I think this is the right way to maintain several custom unaccent needs without override default unaccent rules. But I don't know how to create unaccent dictionary from a template.
What dictionary type we must to create?
Please can show me what are the commands sentences we must to execute to create this "unaccent_custom" dictionary and it will be ready for use in Select unaccent('custom_unaccent', 'áéíóúñ) ??