I would like to construct hstore array from 2 dimensional array.
For example,
'{{f1, 1, f2, 123, f3, ABC, ...}, {f1, 2, f2, 345, f3, DEF, ...}}'
Should be converted to
2 hstore values
"f1"=>"1", "f2"=>"123", "f3"=>"ABC", ...
"f2"=>"2", "f2"=>"345", "f3"=>"DEF", ...
create or replace function convertHStore(p1 text[][]) RETURNS hstore[]
hstore function requires text[] to convert array to hstore. Therefore I should be able to dereference 2 dimensional array element.
Inside this custom plpgsql function, p1[1] is not valid syntax to dereference the 1st element in p1.
Anyone knows how to solve this problem?
Thank you,
Choon Park