We have gotten a report from a user who is having issues with CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc. I figured I would ask for additional insight and assistance at this point.
When the user tries to run CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc; the following occurs:
-bash-4.2$ dropdb ext_test
-bash-4.2$ createdb ext_test
-bash-4.2$ psql ext_test
psql (9.1.2)
Type "help" for help.
ext_test=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.1.2 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC)
4.6.2 20111027 (Red Hat 4.6.2-1), 64-bit
(1 row)
ext_test=# CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc;
ERROR: type "tablefunc_crosstab_2" already exists
This lead me to conclude that we needed to CREATE EXTENSION FROM UNPACKAGED thinking this might be an upgrade issue. However no luck.
ext_test=# CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc FROM unpackaged;
ERROR: function normal_rand(integer, double precision, double
precision) does not exist
What should be tried next?
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers