Make sense... db_link is probably then solution... Everything depends on concrete problem...
But I still think security should be reconsidered (I would use db_link just in case there is no other options - if we must let users to have direct access to DB)... I mean, in that case when we need log each request for some sensitive data - we would not allow some user direct access to DB where he would be able to do such thing BEGIN TRAN, execute function what returns sensitive data, ROLLBACK Tran; (or many other things...)
at least there would be an application layer above DB... (concretly in our case - Users do not have access to DB at all... everything is through Web App, actually DB - Web Service - User Apps (Web, Windows, Mobile etc...))
2012/1/25 Bill Moran <wmoran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In response to Misa Simic <misa.simic@xxxxxxxxx>:
>In many cases that's not enough. For example with HIPAA in the US, a user
> But maybe it would be better to reorganise security on the way that users
> who do not need to have access to some data - simply do not have it
> (instead of to give them data and latter check log to confirm they have
> taken it...)
may be allowed to access data, but there still _has_ to be a log record
for each access.
Bill Moran