In a current project I've a PL/Python function that uses default parameters, like this:
CREATE FUNCTION auth.create_user(
email text,
initial_password text,
display_name text DEFAULT NULL,
mobile_phone text DEFAULT NULL,
status auth.enum_user_status DEFAULT 'active'
) RETURNS text AS $$
... rest of function ...
Now I try to test if 'display_name' is actually passed or not, and if not set it to something sensible, like so:
if display_name is None:
display_name = email[:email.find('@')]
And ... that fails with an error stating that 'display_name' is referenced before assignment.
However, if I do it like this, it works:
if display_name is None:
real_display_name = email[:email.find('@')]
In straight Python the first example works, however in PL/Python only the second works.
Is this how it is supposed to be and did I perhaps miss something in the docs, or is it a bug?
Kind regards,